NICE guidance provides limited advice direct to public and the NHS similarly provides general...

NICE guidance provides limited advice direct to public (NICE, 2022) and the NHS similarly provides general guidance on being active for a minimum 2.5 hours per week with recommendations for exercise to get ‘you out of breath’ (NHS UK, 2020). It also directs to further resources in the charity Diabetes UK (Diabetes UK, 2023).
The evidence for improving Hba1c and insulin sensitivity is generally well known.
Diabetes UK. (2023). Free exercise videos, phone support and extras. Retrieved 2023, from
NHS UK. (2020). Food and keeping active Type 2 Diabetes. Retrieved 2023, from
NICE. (2022).
National Insitute for Clinical Excellence - Type 2 Diabetes in adults: management. Retrieved June 2022, from